The Archives of BFF
??/??/??:“Why did Volume 1 of Les Archives de BFF start in June 2022 and not June 2018?”
This story's purpose is to expose sin, not to glorify. As a reader, you are challenge in identifying what is considered sin or Christ-like. Remember, you are reading a testimony. Therefore, if God can help them, then He can do so much more for you!
Jesus can heal you.
Jesus can redeem you.
Jesus can save you.
Oh why do I, Valen, have to take the hot seat for this question? Maybe its because I am BFF Leader.
Well it couldn’t happen in 2010 because I simply didn’t write anything in 2010. Didn’t truly document anything from 2010 to 2018. However around May~June 2018, I did start the archives writings. (This is before all the members contributed to the volumes and Lost Files.)
My 2018 documents were a hot mess and it was inaccurate. Also the archives were handled poorly causing me to quit. But what if I had archives them correctly. What if Les Archives de BFF actually started in June 2018. Well you would had received the starting points of many relationships including Leo and Sammatha. Highly detailed information about Junior early days. Of course Brionna and Romeo had got marry not too long before.
Why not 2019? Let me see… Oh well 2019 was the year Rebecca got kidnapped by her dad… Also the same year where Leo witness the big secret between why Jean and Rebecca are so distance from each other.
I mean I could go on and on. But yea. So much happen in 2018. I mean that was the year I started dating Jackson. But the same time it was a whole lot of slow movement with the group’s success. Little growth in popularity until maybe Covid in 2020. That’s because we started The Switch Experience live streams.
The same internal problems from 2018 continued on all the way to 2022. All the insecurity, worrying, and bad habits were either being suppress or left untreated (pills and alcohol don’t count). Oh and don’t even get me started with Jean and Cameron’s relationship. They did skyrocket in pop culture but yea…
Why June 2022? Well I think its when everyone in the group truly started their journey to Christ. It was a long journey as you can see from the thickness of all the archival entries mesh together. It wasn’t a immediate change but it was a journey. Yes we said the sinners prayer in the first volume but God had to do a mighty work in our harden hearts.
Les Archives de BFF or The Archives of BFF symbolizes the personal growth to repenting and being more Christ-like. Everyday we had to learn to pick up our cross and fight the good fight. Even when temptation crawls through the back window.