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Leaders. Rise up. Part I 

This story's purpose is to expose sin, not to glorify. As a reader, you are challenge in identifying what is considered sin or Christ-like. Remember, you are reading a testimony. Therefore, if God can help them, then He can do so much more for you! 

Jesus can heal you. 
Jesus can redeem you.
Jesus can save you.

“Ready Valen?” Xan asked.

Coming down the stairs to the main living room, I saw Xan, Lisa and David awaiting for my arrival. All of leaders were summon to a networking partying out in Manhattan. Supposedly there was going to be a lot of celebrities in the room.

Usually no one in Switch brushes shoulders with the music industry. Only exception being David. All the rumor demonic rituals and weird propaganda from the west made us want to social distance voluntarily (hence why we did well during the Covid-19 lockdown).

We were all dress in sparkling black. She may look expensive but surely I tell you, we got our outfits from a clearance rack at the mall. David and Xan were dress in there black suits. Lisa and I wore a black blazer, match with a black skirt.

         “I honestly don’t want to go David,” I pouted.
         “It be fun,” David hyped.

         “Fun is an understatement,” I said.


David handed us all our yellow epaulettes.
         “Is this necessary?” Lisa questioned. 
         “Don’t want to wear it?” 


Lisa and I looked to Xan for his opinion. After some thinking he decided that we should leave our badges of honor at the house. Didn’t want to draw much attention to ourselves. Which is cheap for us to say when we are shining bright like a disco ball. 


Setting forth, we went to David’s car that was park in the driveway. 
Coming down the steps as the moonlight shine bright over the BFF house, Asia and Alanna came passing by us. 

         “Looking good,” Asia smiled. 

Alanna added, “You all have fun-”


Suddenly Xan grab a hold of Alanna wrist that was hidden behind her back.
Eyes wide open, Alanna held her breathe. 

Holding her wrist to the sky, Xan notice that she was holding four small needles. 

         “Who is this for?” Xan demanded. 


Alanna refuse to open her mouth. 
         “Who is this for Asia?” 
         “We were going to throw it away.”

Oh it was obvious that she was lying her teeth off. 


Lisa reach over and grab the needles from Alanna’s hand. 

         “Who do you think it belongs to?” Xan asked us leaders. 


David looked at me as if I knew the answer. 
         “Why you looking at me?” I questioned. 

         “Your BFF leader.”
         “I’m not a babysitter.” 


Coming outside from the front door was Leo carrying some luggage. 
Quickly he came to a stand still on the stairs when he saw the altercation. 

         “Help us,” Alanna mouth to Leo.


Taking note, Leo came to their rescue. 
         “Alanna. Asia. There you are,” Leo said cheerfully. 

         “I thought your flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow?” David questioned. 
         “Wanted to leave tonight. Why fly in tomorrow when filming starts tomorrow? Anyways what the problem here?”

Lisa shown them the needles.

         “Do you know who these belong to?” 
         “No comment.”

Xan sighed, “There needs to be a comment. Ever since we left Ex-S Records, everyone in the house has been acting like they lost their mind. Not commenting is enabling this behavior.” 

         “So? It’s clearly not Asia or Alanna’s needles, so let them go.” 

Xan’s temper started to increase. Switching to Portuguese he said, “Do you think David and I don’t know what you’re doing in Atlanta?”

Responding back in Portuguese, “Who cares about what I do in Atlanta. Don’t worry about me. Throw the needles away for all I care.” 

         “Whose needles are they?” Xan demanded in English. 


Leo pause before giving in. 
         “There Dice’s.” 

                  “Defending Dice’s drug addiction is a new low,” David choked. 
         “How much did he pay you,” Lisa asked Alanna and Asia. 
         “200 dollars each.”

         “Jesus Christ… Go inside now. I will deal with you two later.” I said. 


Looking at Leo, I could tell he was hiding something else. 
         “What do you know Leo?” 

Leo pause. “Nothing. I know nothing.” 


Quickly he grab his bags and went to his car. 

         “Leave him. We need to go before we get caught up in traffic,” David said. 


Arriving to a fancy hotel, located on the upper east side of Manhattan, we all took a moment to gather our thoughts in the parking garage. 

         “Ready to go?” David said excited. 

I turned around to the backseat where Xan and Lisa reside.
Judging by Xan’s expression, it looked like he was about to throw up. 
         “Are you okay?” I asked

         “Clearly not.” Quickly he grab a bag that happen to be Lisa’s purse and threw up inside it. 


“AHHHHH! XAN!!!!!” Lisa cried, hitting him hard on the shoulder. 
         “YOU COULD HAD OPEN THE DOOR!” Lisa cried once more. 


David was disgusted as he watch Xan hurl more and more as sweat came down his forehead. 
David questioned, “Xan… Have you serious not been to a networking event since our departure from Ex-S.”

Xan wipe his face and laid on Lisa lap for comfort. 

Grabbing Lisa’s hand, he placed it on his heart. 

         “Oh gross. Xan.” Lisa cried. 
         “Feel my heart beat.”
         “It’s beating really fast.” 


Covering my nose from the utter foul smell of Xan’s vomit, I said, “We will be in an out of the party. Well it’s not even a party. It’s a cocktail hour. We just need to show our face to the industry and let them know we mean business.”

David turned off the radio fully. 
         “Xan you have me. The industry is not even that bad. Minus… well there is… and him….don’t forget her…. STILL you have me. Let me do the talking. You just smile and wave.”

         “Smile and wave,” Xan questioned as he sat up. 
         “Smile and wave. Then afterwards you can buy Lisa a new purse.” David chimed. 

         “Okay but let’s pray before we go inside,” Xan pleaded. 


So we all pray for peace, guidance, and protection before leaving for the elevator. 


Walking through the parking garage, Lisa held Xan up as he tried to clean himself up. 

         “Ready?” David asked before pressing the button to up. 
         “Sure,” Xan sighed. 

         “Penthouse floor. Here we come,” David smiled.


Midway up, Xan threw up in the corner of the elevator. 
         “JESUS CHRIST!” David cried.
         “XAN!” Lisa gasp. 

         “Maybe we should leave…” I suggest. 
         “NO! I’m fine.” Xan said. 


Coming over to Xan, I place my hand over his head. 

         “You may not be running a fever but you sure keep throwing up.”
         “It’s just the anxiety… That- that’s- that’s all.”


When the elevator doors finally open after I sprayed my perfume on everyone, we quickly rushed out the elevators. 

It was a grand room. Tiny food on large platters. 1920s jazz band in the background. Slight smell of cigars in the air. There was industry executives from all over the world at the event.

         “Where did Xan and Lisa go,” I asked. 


David and I looked around and notice the two standing by a cocktail table.
You can tell Xan was out of it. His eyes were blood shot red. 

         “You need to put on some sunglasses,” David laughed as we approach them. 
         “Haha. Real funny. Just work the room so we can leave,” Xan sighed. 
                  “You got it man.”


David straighten his tie and went to adjust his epaulette until he notice he wasn’t wearing it. “I’ll be back.” 

Xan, Lisa, and I stood around for 45 minutes, smiling and waving. Of course the servants tried to serve us hors d’oeuvres. Though according to David’s commands, we were not to drink or eat anything. David may go outside more than we do, but he is sure paranoid about being poison by his enemies. 



Coming closer to him was a tall white, bearded man. 


         “You got to be kidding me,” David said to himself. 
                  “How are you?” 

         “Doing just fine Jarred. Doing just fine. How’s the kids?”
                  “Better than ever hopefully. You know the divorce papers were finalize last week. I’m a free man,” Jarred laughed.

         “Free man who now has to pay child support,” David laughed. 
The two laughed together, though David was clearly uncomfortable to be in his presence. 


         “What brings you here?” Jarred asked.
         “Isn’t it quite obvious. America’s… No the world’s favorite music group is now independent. Though that doesn’t mean our music won’t be mainstream.” 

         “Sure. Love positive thinking. The industry executives think Switch will last for about two years before going bankrupt. Though I think you will last longer than these industry plants. Even though you all are industry plants… Anyways, Ex-S Records may had let me go like it was some 2008 recession but I good news.”


         “How so?”
         “Kylie is now my client. Talk about competition.”


David choked on his words a bit. 
Jarred continued, “You may had kick her out the group after the cheating scandal with Leo but you can’t take the stage

away from her. Which is why I think we should do a collab-”


Quickly David stopped in Jarred steps. 
         “No can do buddy. We don’t deal with her anymore. Too much drama for our interest.”
         “Oh but the drama would increase the publicity for Switch,” Jarred insisted.
         “No can do. I get it. The industry is upset that the third wave didn’t happen. Me personally I couldn’t possible think of Switch having 40 to 45 members.”


         “Oh though third wave would had been groundbreaking like this collab with Kylie Torres.” 
         “It would cause unnecessary drama and beef. Sorry Jarred but it no for sure.”


“Could I at least get one of the members of Switch to do a song with her?”
         “Good luck trying to find someone who will do it.”
                  “What about Leo?” 


David patted Jarred’s back before departing. 
         “Nice joke buddy.”

         “Oh look it David,” I said to Lisa and Xan. Judging by his expressions, David looked pretty exhausted. 

Rushing to him, I accidentally bumped into someone. He was tall, slightly muscular with brown short hair. 

         “Hi,” he shyily said to me. 


David smirked a bit before coming up to us. 
He said, “Hi Jackson. This is Valen. Valen this is Jackson from New5.”

         “Nice to meet you,” I said shyily before taking David by the arm. 

         “Nice to meet you too.” 


Jackson and I lock eyes briefly before his bandmates called his name.
         “See you around?” Jackson asked. 



Leaving us, David shrugged me off his shoulder. 
         “Lame. You act like you never talk to a boy before. See if you get out the BFF bubble you might meet someone fresh and new.” 

         “Is New5 a K-Pop group?” I asked. 
         “Yep. Not the biggest K-Pop group but a K-Pop group. He though from Hong Kong. Fancy kind of guy. All the ladies want him. But you Valen. You might have a shot.”

         “Boy be quiet.” 


Coming over was Xan and Lisa. 
         “Can we leave now?” Lisa asked as she upheld Xan. 


David glance behind him to see Jarred still glaring at him. 
         “Sure. I think the room’s been worked enough. I secure three brand deals and another movie for Leo. It should keep him busy and out the house. Don’t want to lose another member right?” 

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Romans 14:13-23

© 2024 by The Switch Experience.

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