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Maknae Line

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Maknae Line possesses the youngest members of Switch. They join the group during the second wave of Switch at the age of nine - eleven in 2012. Mr. Smith (Switch former manager), used to physically beat on the four members in his office. Only Xan from Leaders Line knew about this. Mazen experience the worst punishments after getting caught dating someone outside the group. Maknae Line has their own hidden lounge inside the BFF mansion. They tend to hide there during the day and even try to avoid practice when possible. Varsity Line members believe JV Line is a bad influence for Maknae Line. Though JV Line thinks Varsity Line are trying to groom them.


Stuart (Mazen) Lopez

Aspires to be like Dice.

Mazen hates Switch former manager Mr. Smith more than Dice does. Mazen has deep PTSD from his early days in Switch. Often praying for a sound mind, Mazen tries to become a better person after seeing Dice make a 180 in his life. Mazen has a crush on Alanna but refuses to let it be made official with her.

Alanna McConnel

Probably sleeping in a corner during a concert.


With a long burning crush on Mazen, Alanna really wants to be more than just friends with him. Jackie, Brittany, Lily, and Cameron all advocated for her to get accepted into the group as they were once in a music group together back in grade school. Alanna is very talented but has found deep disinterest in making music. She only stay around because she see Switch as her only real family. After getting emancipated at 14 from her parents, Alanna fell out of contact with her entire bloodline.


Asia Lee​

On the outside, looking in...

Asia loves embracing her natural curly hair and wearing box braids whenever she can. Asia craves to live a very quiet life away from the spotlight. She hates when the group fights deeply but she hates Ex-S Records even more. In 2019, Asia tried to take a hiatus from the group to attend a HBCU in Florida. This plan of hers would failed due to students figuring out her true identity, jeopardizing her safety.

Kyan Song

"You are the next Carlos."

Kyan was the first member to live permanently in the BFF mansion at the age of 13. LeeSung is his legal guardian though he doesn’t see him as a father but rather an older brother. Kyan tries to keep his head down from authorities and tend to keep his affairs with the other Maknae Line members under wraps. Carlos has tried to groomed Kyan as a Varsity Guys singer but Kyan never took interest in being apart of a different sub-unit.

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