The Archives of BFF

Leaders Line

Leaders Line is the leadership team of Switch. This sub-unit was secretly formed while the group was signed to their former record label, Ex-S Records. After seven years of low pay and overwork hours, Leaders Line put together a grand plan to break Switch’s contract from Ex-S Record. After a hostile legal battle, Switch was able to go independent. The four split the management responsibility. Valen from JV Girls became the BFF Leader. She deals with internal affairs within the group as well is the documenter of The Archive of BFF. Lisa and Xan are Switch Leaders, solely responsible for music production and concerts. David left Varisty Guys to become the External Leader. He the only member who actively adventures out, and networks with the music and film industry. He helps secure acting, modeling and TV show appearance gigs. Because of this, David does not live full-time in the BFF House.

Valencia (Valen) Valentina
BFF Leader
“If these walls could talk” leader.
Valen is the one responsible of documenting all the files of The Archives of BFF. Working as the group’s internal counselor, Valen is constant trying to keep everyone sane. Valen still keeps a close relationship with JV line and the only member in Leaders Line who goes on stage for group performances. Valen would also develop a very close friendship with Leo (from Rap Line) since he is the group’s Secret Keeper. He often tries to persuade her to let him be a BFF Leader.

Alexander (Xan) Oliveira
Co-Switch Leader
The manipulative leader.
Xan is the reason why Switch went independent at the end of 2016. As Mr.Smith successor in train as the age of 17, Xan was tired of seeing the members of Switch live in terrible conditions. Though after the group left Ex-S Record, Xan took on a heavy amount of responsibility to keep the members of Switch at the top of the chart. Xan will often neglect the mental health of the members of Switch. Causing friction on stage is what Xan does best. If he can get a member to cry on stage, he thinks that’s more money in the group’s pocket. Hence why Lisa is also a Switch leader, to provide checks and balances with Xan.

Lisa Devi
Co-Switch Leader
The logical leader.
As one of the only best Pakistan-Indian women producer in world, Lisa was recruited by Ex-S Record alongside Xan to join Switch in 2014. Responsible with the group’s music production at the age of 16, Lisa hated her time working for Ex-S Record. She did grow close to the members of Switch very quickly once she started living in the BFF House. Nowadays she is responsible for all group, Varsity Guys and Duo music production. She also lead the guys practices while Xan leads all the ladies practices.

David Sommer
External Leader
The other leader that we all forget sometimes.
David left Varsity Guys the minute he got the chance. As external leader he has put in work to make sure Leo stayed employed for all his acting gigs. Though once Switch was able to be fully functioning as an independent group, David business trips turn into night outs at the Vegas Strip. With a bad gambling problem, David often goes missing does weeks or even months. Xan often has to drag David back to New York. He has a little crush on Jackie (from JV Girls) but never feels qualify to be with her. Doesn’t help that he the only person who know about her secret relationship with Zachary from Varsity Guys.