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JV Girls

Some people may say that JV line is the back up singers of Switch. It can be true sometimes, but JV Girls do have their own music within a Switch album. Focusing more on their dance perform, JV Girls had originally eight members but now has six. Kylie Torres was kick out for her constant fighting with the other group members and Jordyn Fischer went on an unknown hiatus with her boyfriend Zachary from Varsity Guys line. Valen from Leader Line is still apart of JV Girls but with a smaller line distribution. Jackie and Saige were once apart of Trio Line with Brionna from Varsity Girls, though the line was never approved for being its own sub-unit.

Lorianna-Pauline (Lily) Dion
Simon’s secret care taker.
As little sister of Varsity Singer Zachary Dion, Lily is JV line’s strongest performer. Though on her off time she is Simon’s best friend. She often hangs out in his room and making sure he stays sober from his drug addiction. However, lately she has been not been a fan of Saige and Simon secret love affair. Not to mention, she has no idea where her brother Zachary is or when he will return to the group.

Jackie Sean
The most messy, independent member.
While secretly dating Zachary Dion and hooking up with Theo for access to his credit card, Jackie is constantly seeking for approval of man. Jackie is one of the only members who dates outside of the group and tends to pick toxic guys. Prior to joining Switch, Jackie use to lived in foster homes. She had a golden ticket to become a Varsity Girl singer but beg to be in JV line to avoid the extra tasks and responsibilities. Many mixed girls followed Jackie's hair pipeline. Curly bleach blonde hair. Most members forgot what her natural color is...

Rebecca Gonzales
On a path of redemption.
As little sister of Rap Line’s Jean Gonzales, Rebecca is the most controversial member of Switch. Her very public PDA relationship with Dice (from Duo Line) has cause her to receive lots of hate from netizens. Her older brother Jean also does not approve her relationship with Dice and is often embarrass to be apart of Switch with her around. Rebecca would be one of the first members to feel the presence of the Lord and a strong conviction for her way of life.

Vanessa Ramirez
The least problematic member.
From Hagåtña, Guam and Virginia Beach, Vanessa is the least problematic member of Switch in many fans opinion. She is dating Toran (from Duo line) and is very close to Rebecca and Jackie. Many members will say that she tends to suppress her frustration and anger.

Saige Queen
Stuck in a triangle.

Saige dated her dance partner Theo (from Varsity Guys) for many years but the relationship was rather lack luster due to Theo online catfishing addiction. Saige would break up with in him in the beginning of 2022 but she has to pretend that she still with him for the fans. Saige still has feelings for Theo but Simon had been giving her the attention she wants.

Jordyn Fischer
The IT Girl.

Jordyn is Rap Line's Simon twin sister. She is an utter question mark at time. Her intentions are questionable and her loyalty is unknown. Before going on her hiatus with Zachary, she was known as Switch's best dancer. Some members argue that Zachary heavily pursue her to be his trophy wife. He believed that Jordyn was worthy to have a Dion last name. Yet he hasn't thought to propose to her.

Kylie Torres
Read in between the lines.

You can see Kylie in two ways. You either see her as a jealous bully/homewrecker, or someone with self-worth problems. With a strong soul tie to Leo from Rap Line, Kylie finds herself in a constant battle to win his love and approval. However his constant rejection to claim her as his girlfriend had lead her to crash out many times. Her bitterness and anger eventually turned against her. In 2016 before the group went independant, Kylie got kicked out of Switch.